Available APIs


The Transparency and Open Data Portal, through OGoov, offers a REST API to access the data catalog, as well as to directly obtain all the information of a dataset and its distributions.

This API is implemented by CKAN. The following list are some examples of using the API:

Simple Data Catalog : http://apidatos.albasmart.es/api/3/action/package_list
Extended data catalog: http://apidatos.albasmart.es/api/3/action/package_search
List of groups (sectors): http://apidatos.albasmart.es/api/3/action/group_list
List of tag: http://apidatos.albasmart.es/api/3/action/tag_list
All information in a dataset: http://apidatos.albasmart.es/api/3/action/package_show?id=[id_distribution]

All documentation of the CKAN REST API is available at the following address: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/api/index.html

Real Time Systems Open Data (RTOD) API

In addition to this API served by CKAN, the RTOD middleware, used to serve collections with dynamic updates, has another API from which both the list of available collections and their data can be accessed:

List of collections available in RTOD: http://apirtod.almendralejo.albasmart.es/api/rest/collections.json
Information about a specific distribution: http://apirtod.badajoz.albasmart.es/api/datos/rest/[identificator_distribution].json

Each distribution served through RTOD will be available in the formats RDF, HTML, JSON, N3, XML, TURTLE, CSV, ATOM and JSONLD, simply by changing the extension of the distribution in the URL (json in the example) by rdf, html, json, n3, xml, ttl, csv, atom and jsonld respectively.